Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Round 9 ~ Valda Takes the Heat

The rats have initiative.  They keep their ground, except one that annoyingly rushes in and nips Engelhart from behind.  It hits AC4 with a modified 17, causing 2 more damage.  I see I've forgotten the 1 damage I did to Engelhart before. That has been fixed, and will show on the next XP table.  The cleric isn't stunned.

That's the only rat attack.

The jelly causes 1 damage to both Engelhart and Valda.  No one else is close enough.

Then the jelly uses this round to attack Valda.  It rolls a 16, which hits; Valda takes 9 damage.  This reduces her to -3 hit points.  At -4, she would be dead.  She fails her wisdom check, staggers into Lothar's hex and collapses, unconscious.

The players can act.

Following the players' move, here is the position:

And the amount of experience thus far:


Unknown said...

I'll spend my round casting Armor.

Rob Munro said...

I am waiting to see if the more experienced players want to stand their ground or not.

Unknown said...

Do the spellcasting rules mean I also can't make an attack the same round I discharge a spell?

Alexis Smolensk said...

Yes. Even if it is a defensive spell.

Embla Strand said...

I step into 1012 and swing at the jelly.

Engelhart Askjellson said...

I attack the Jelly, swinging right for the membrane.

Attack Roll: 10 +2, hitting AC 7.

Damage Roll: 2.

Rob Munro said...

I remove my backpack (should take the whole turn?)

Lothar Svensson said...

Ack! I use Pandred's salve on Valda. I have one of my own in my belt pouch. Would it be 4 AP to get that out (similar to obtaining a pocketed item)?

d4: 4

Alexis Smolensk said...

[okay, I'm awake. I'll just get some coffee]

Alexis Smolensk said...

Cost you two to administer to Valda; I always assume the people keep their own salve close at hand. But may I remind you ... you can't make Valda battle effective with the salve, and she is not bleeding ... but you are. And you can be battle ready.

I should have charged you 1 hit point for that, by the way, this round. So be down another hit point.

Lothar Svensson said...

Understood. But one point away from death and unconscious is a lot more immediate than 20 points away from death and awake. I'd hate for another rat to sneak in and nibble her to death, I'd prefer she get up and then get out alive.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Embla will hit with her attack, rolling a modified 18. She causes four damage.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Noted, Mikael, on your spell. Rob, you're correct, you'll be shuffling it off for a round. You can shift one hex while you do it, if you want.

Engelhart's attack will miss.

Okay, Lothar; she's at 1 hit point; she has to rouse from unconsciousness. Count it as 1 AP for you to get out your second salve. If an 8 oz. potion requires 4 AP to quaff, than a 2 oz. healing salve only takes 1 AP to jam into your mouth. So, counting the 1 AP to take the healing salve from Pandred at the start of the round, and giving it to Valda, that's 4 AP all together. Can you manage that?

Alexis Smolensk said...

Pandred will swing at the jelly and cause maximum hit points: 11.

Lothar Svensson said...

I've got exactly 4 AP available. Sweetness. The d4 for my own salve comes up a 1.

Alexis Smolensk said...

Waiting on Lothar's reply, Rob's reply. Apart from that, we can move on a round. I'll give it twenty minutes, as my joints turn from a solid to some sort of flexible substance that will let my limbs change direction.

Rob Munro said...

As i understand it in my current position I shouldn't take passive damage from the creature (provided it doesn't move toward me), so I'll stay where I am

Alexis Smolensk said...

Great. Working on the next post.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The post above is updated.

Alexis Smolensk said...

The next post is up.